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The Love Hypothesis - Ali Hazelwood

Writer's picture: ChrissyChrissy

Olive has made a terrible mistake. One that she can't exactly back away from now, since her best friends future love life depends on her carrying this mistake all the way to the end. What was the mistake you ask? Well she kissed Adam Carlsen, the most disliked professor in all of Stanford. Why did she kiss him? Right place, wrong time? Olive's best friend has it bad for Olive's ex, but she won't go anywhere near him thanks to girl code. To convince Anh that she is completely over Jeremy, Olive fakes a date. But when Anh comes wandering through the lab hallway when Olive is supposed to be on said date she does the only thing she can think of and kisses the next guy she finds. Did Anh see? She sure did! Does the whole school not think Olive and Adam are in some sordid romance? Oh yeah! Olive decides to convince Adam to play along (or did Adam convince Olive?) just until Anh and Jeremy are settled together. The only thing Olive hadn't counted on? Adam isn't actually the ass everyone thinks he is.

TikTok made me buy it!!! Okay but this specific TikTok made me read it. It had been on my shelf for about 2 weeks just waiting for its turn to be read when I saw THE tiktok and immediately picked it up and started reading. When I finished, I shared the TikTok with my sister and Becca to get them to read it as well. This is a brilliant publicity idea, because it worked. (I mean, don't you want to read it now too?)

I read Love Hypothesis in a single sitting. I actually ignored my starving children and fiancé forcing them to fend for themselves at dinner time. I was so into the story that I did not put the book down until I finished reading it (not even to go to the bathroom!). Ali Hazelwood plays on a romance reader's trope obsession by flagging all of the various ones that could possibly be in play throughout the book. Olive is such a caring yet obtuse character that I couldn’t help but love. Adam didn’t come across lecherous at all, which I thought student/teacher relationship, he must be a creep. Surprise! He wasn’t at all. I don’t want to give anything away so I will just say that I loved it. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys a cute love story that has a little bit of spice to it. Definitely worth the hype it gets. I can’t wait to see if there are any more books in Ali Hazelwoods future.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Sizzling stars for The Love Hypothesis

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