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Today I’m excited to participate in the Creative Blog Tour for A Kingdom of Flame and Fury by Whitney Dean hosted by MTMC Tours. This is book one in a steamy and thrilling new fantasy series: The Four Kingdoms & it was published on May 26th, 2022 from Midnight Tide Publishing.
Disclaimer this book touches on some pretty heavy stuff; I will not go into the heavy here but wanted everyone to be aware should you decide to grab a copy
A Kingdom of Flame and Fury is book one in a steamy and thrilling new fantasy series: The Four Kingdoms.
At ten years old, Raven was mysteriously willed to be the next ruler of Seolia, a kingdom nestled within the realm of The Four Kingdoms. Orphaned as a baby, she has spent fifteen years ruling over a kingdom she believes she did not earn all while hiding secrets: she possesses dark magic and she thirsts for blood.
Now at almost twenty-five years old and with a sudden addiction to stealing life, Raven must fight through her new procured darkness to save her soul, but when a mysterious stranger arrives in her kingdom, she starts experiencing vivid dreams that detail who she truly is. As she slowly starts to unravel her story, what she uncovers at the end of the spool will change the course of her life and her kingdom forever.
As many of you know, Fantasy books are one of our favorite genres here at PBT. For me personally it's all about the Romantacy. I really can't enjoy a fantasy if there isn't at least a little hint of romance to it. Whitney dean hits you with the sizzle in A Kingdom of Flame and Fury. If you are looking for a new Fantasy series with 🌶 check out A Kingdom of Flame and Fury.

Q & A with Whitney Dean:
Introduce us to your main characters, Raven and Zeke!
We meet Raven as a twenty-four year old queen who was abandoned as a baby. She believes that she has absolutely no right to the throne, but serves her people the best she can. Raven is very sweet, very loving, but she has a dark side. She is morally-grey when it comes to protecting her kingdom and her people. She considers all of them to be her family since she didn’t have one of her own growing up. And Raven loves everyone. Everyone has a place in her kingdom — no matter their background or where they came from, and she makes sure that everyone she meets always feels welcome and appreciated.
We meet Zeke as an angry, irresponsible thirty year old man, who has a drinking problem. Through a series of events, he meets Raven and realizes that he can no longer live his life that way if he wants a chance to be the man she needs. He is very protective and dislikes everyone, except for her. He has his own self-reflecting journey that you, as the readers, get to see and you find yourself rooting for his growth, even though he has some deep-rooted issues… which you quickly learn all about.
We definitely love that alpha male energy Zeke is putting out! Raven's morally greyness reminds me a bit of Celaena in TOG.
Who was your favorite character to write?
It’s a tie between Raven and Zeke. They’re both loud, and both have stories to tell. They’re extremely different (IE: Raven is sunshine, Zeke is grumpy) and getting to write their emotions and reactions was a blast.
Hitting us with all the best tropes this book. Grumpy + Sunshine, Alpha Male, and the Morally Grey Queen!
How did you come up with your characters' names?
Raven has always been Raven. I didn’t come up with it. Zeke popped in my head one day, and I didn’t question it. For the rest of the characters, I just chose what felt right. Cade, a secondary character, was chosen from a baby names website.
Raven and Zeke definitely suit them both.
Where do you write?
In my bedroom most of the time. I’ve made a writing corner. Sometimes in a recliner in my living room if we’re streaming a show.
What’s your favorite thing about writing fantasy (and is there any other genre you would like to try in the future)?
My favorite thing about writing fantasy is definitely the freedom of being able to create your own world. As of right now, I can’t imagine wanting to write any other genre. Fantasy is my home and it’s been the genre I’ve loved to read since I was a child.
This is why we love reading fantasy. All of the different worlds we get to visit, thanks to writers like you.
About Whitney Dean:
Whitney grew up reading books from all genres, but her favorite has always been anything within the fantasy realm. Now, she's living her dream and creating new worlds for readers to get lost in.
Keep up with future releases by following her on instagram (@authorwhitneydean) or
Want to win your own copy of A Kingdom of Flame and Fury and a $20 amazon gift card? Enter the Rafflecopter where one lucky reader will win. Ends on June 9th, 2022.
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