Avery was born to very little and most of what she had, she lost by the time she was sixteen. Then suddenly she was the richest teenager in the world and the only thing she has to do to keep this sudden inheritance from a mysterious stranger, is live in his house of puzzles with his family including his 4 very attractive grandsons. All she has to do is to survive, and maybe not lose her heart along the way.

When I started The Inheritance Games, I wasn't in the best mood. I was finding a lot of faults with the writing, the characters, it just wasn't a good time for me. I put the book down and returned to it a little later. Again, the start was rocky, the writing a little juvenile, I was distracted by errors in editing. I got past it and kept pushing forward and boy am I glad I did. Jennifer Lynn Barnes writes an enigma in Tobias Hawthorne, one that the whole world wishes to unravel.
I love a good puzzle, a mystery. Every book I read is like a puzzle to me, I am constantly trying to read between the lines, to figure out the end before the author even has a chance to tell it. I am not one of those readers who gets so impatient for the end that she reads the last pages of a book, who wants to have it ruined like that! All the fun is in the journey and detective work across chapters. The Inheritance Games is just one giant puzzle that you are trying to solve along with Avery, Grayson, Jameson, Nash, and Xander. I put the book down and immediately went googling to find out when/if there will be a second one. Not only did it offer up the mysteriousness that I love, but also a few swoon worthy moments between Avery and the Hawthorne boys. One of the most infuriating parts of the book is that we have no closure in the romance department for Avery, I hope we see that in The Hawthorne Legacy coming out September 7th.

"There are no losers in robot battle death match fight club." - Xander Hawthorne
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4 stars for Jennifer Lynn Barnes brain teaser on steroids.
Who should read this? Anyone over 14 who loves a good mystery and doesn't mind it taking almost 400 pages to solve it. Don't read this if you can't get over a little juvenile and unrealistic writing. If you can forgive 6 chapters of bad stage setting, you will probably enjoy this.
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