A "fairy" tale, retelling of Beauty and the Beast where the beast is a cursed Fae and the Beauty is a young girl just trying to make sure her family survives the cruel caste world she lives in.

This is going to be a bit of a longer review because it focuses on the series as a whole.
I know, I know! I'm late to the fandom on this one. When ACOTAR originally came out, I was in a reading stand still. My life was in a bit of upheaval and reading wasn't the first thing on my mind, so I missed the boat. Then I bought the books, excited to read them... but they stayed on my shelves. I was worried they were over hyped and I had wasted my money on the entire series for what? What was I going to do with them if I didn't like them? A Court of Silver Flames came out (picked that one up too) and I knew it was time to just bite the bullet and read! I am so so very glad that I did. A lot of folks on booktok and bookstagram have labeled this series as one they would love to read for the first time again, I am lucky enough to have only just had that experience.

"To the stars who listen - and the dreams that are answered."
I binged the entire series in just a few days. I read so much that my eyes were strained and sore, but that didn't stop me from completing my mission. I have the Throne of Glass series. I've read some of it, not all. I got distracted by other pretty books and didn't finish it (something I will rectify soon!), so I know what kind of writer Sarah J Maas is. ACOTAR is a world unto it's self. The mythology interwoven into the storyline is eloquent and masterful. I am equal parts intrigued and disturbed by this series. I spent my days holding my breath, waiting to see what came next. ACOTAR itself is a beautiful love story that Sarah J Maas shatters like a child would a piggy bank. I was just as devastated as Feyre at the end of the book, but grabbed the next and the next just waiting and wanting all of the characters to get their HEA.
"One must be cunning and devious to deal with the fae or they will surely lose themselves."
If you're like me and you are wondering if this series is REALLY worth the hype... it is. Don't ask again, just go buy it, get it from the library, whatever you need to do. There are some sex scenes and moments that touch on numerous kinds of assault, so I wouldn't recommend this to anyone under 17. If you want to know the emotional state each will leave you in after reading? Look no further than their names. ACOMAF infuriated me. ACOWAR ruined me. ACOSF was 🔥.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 stars for Sarah J Maas ACOTAR series. This series is 🔥🔥🔥! If you don't like it piping hot, stay away from flames!
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